Let’s talk about the USMLE Step 2 CK!
Congratulations! If you are reading this, it probably means that you passed 1/3 of the Step exams and that you are getting ready for the second part. Let’s dive in!
Disclaimer: My way of studying for the USMLE step 2 CK examination was totally different than for the step 1 exam. Here are a few things that I realized were detrimental to me achieving a better score during the first exam:
Using too many resources. This was one of the things that not only did not allow for proper studying but also lacked efficiency. It also caused an imaginable increase in stress levels as I would try to get through all those resources but let’s be honest, we all have 24h in a day and we all need to sleep and eat during that time as well. Attempting to use all of them was overwhelming. Therefore, I highly recommend sticking to 2 and maybe 3 resources at most.
Not getting enough sleep the night before the exam and during my study period. This does not allow for proper studying. There are so many studies proving that proper sleep will allow you to be more focused and have better concentration throughout the day. It has also been shown that proper sleep will allow for you to memorize and retain information better.
Having a healthy diet prior to the exam. The night before the exam, I went to Buffalo Wild Wings, had a bunch of fatty foods and accompanied that with a beer. Studies show that the more fat (the bad kind of course) you eat during the day, the more you are likely to have a bad night sleep. This was also shown regarding alcohol. For Step 2 CK, I maintained a healthy diet, especially the day before the exam, and gave up alcohol entirely for 2 weeks prior to the exam. The difference was unexplainable. I felt better and my concentration during the exam was not comparable to my Step 1 exam.
Which resources to use?
As I have previously mentioned in my Step 1 blog, this is very subjective. Something that works for one might not work for another person but, here is a list of some of those resources.
First Aid USMLE Step 2CK
Divine Intervention Podcast
Online MedEd
Boards & Beyond
Master the boards
It can be easy to want to use all of them but, this will be detrimental long term, therefore, use maybe 1 question bank, 1 book & 1 podcast/online videos to study with. Personally, I only used uWorld & Divine Interventions and made my own little study textbook by taking down notes and reviewing them every few days.
How to use these resources:
Let’s split this into three categories
Books: If you are using an actual physical book, I would recommend highlighting and maybe jotting down some information that would help you remember/understand the information. I would also say that you should use it in conjunction with your question bank as it will help reinforce the information.
Online resources/podcast Study sitting down. This is one thing that I highly recommend. It is much easier to listen to a podcast such as Divine Interventions while driving or at the gym. The problem is that you will miss out on a lot of information. Trust me, I tested it. When I started studying, I attempted at listening to podcasts on my way to the hospital or clinic and then relistened to that exact same podcast while at home sitting at my desk and taking notes… I realized that I was missing A LOT of information by doing passive listening. You think you are paying attention but, the truth is, when you are driving, cooking or at the gym, you still are required to focus on the task you are doing at that time, and it takes away from the studying you are doing. Sit down, take notes & review those notes every 2-3 days as a refresher. Repetition is key.
Question bank The more is not always the better. The key when it comes to questions is to take the time to understand a certain answer is right but, additionally, why an answer is wrong. If you get something right, what made you pick that answer? How did you rule-out the other ones? If you get it wrong, what from the stem made you think it was right and what did you maybe overlook? These are questions you need to ask yourself. I took notes on blank pieces of paper when I did my uWorld questions. The stuff is new like the back of my hand, I did not write down but, anything I either hesitated on or had no clue, it was put on paper for me to review a few days later. Moral of the story, don’t overwhelm yourself with trying to get through too many questions in a day. When I was more tired, I would do 5 questions, other days, I would do 60. It varies and that’s okay!
Lastly, how long should you study for?
During my Step 1, I studied for 8 weeks and felt extremely burnt out during my last week which I think did not help me in being at my best for the exam. Therefore, for Step 2 CK, I cut my dedicated study time to 6 weeks and the difference is unexplainable. I did not feel as tired, I felt more focused during the exam and, just overall more motivated to study as I knew I had less time!
In summary:
- Stick to 2-3 resources
- Sit down to study vs listening while doing other things
- Do questions but, don’t overwhelm yourself
- 6-7 weeks of dedicated study time is prime, more can be detrimental
- A healthy diet and lifestyle goes a long way
Finally, trust yourself! You know this information. This is why gut feelings should be followed and listened to.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out!
You can also check out my tutoring plans and/or USMLE Schedules for more help!